Photo: John Smith

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Friday, February 5, 2010


It’s my first post, and I always hate doing these…

I’m starting this blog because I’m bored on a Tuesday night.  I’ve always wanted to have a blog where I keep track of me and Jaina and our progress together…or anything horsey that I feel like talking about.  I tried it once already, and failed, so I’m trying again.  Mostly, I want to have a journal of our successes and failures so that I have something to look back on.  I want to show pictures and rant and rave about things.  I just want Jaina to have a little corner on the web.  I don’t expect anyone to read this, but if they want to – fine by me! :)

The original picture that was in her Craigslist ad
I bought Jaina in September, 2009.  She was a completely spontaneous purchase – I was only intending to lease.  Her name was D’Kota, and she stole my heart the minute I saw her.  I knew I had to have her, but I wasn’t sure how it was financially possible.  My wonderful boyfriend of over 2 years had a hard time accepting the fact that I wasn’t going to be able to live without her, and told me to buy her if it would make me happy.  Best decision I’ve ever made!  I worked out a payment plan and was able to make her my own.  Life is good.

The first picture I took of her when I went to see her.
I’ve owned several horses before, but this feels new to me for some reason.  She’s the first horse I have owned that is unregistered, so I know very little about where she came from.  I live in San Diego now, and I used to live in Minnesota – where horse ownership was “done differently”.  I know I’ll be blogging plenty about that.  We board at a self-care ranch with a much different culture than I’m used to, but I’m going to be moving her to another ranch soon.  I’ve really only ridden Dressage, so this Western thing is sort of new and exciting.  And I have a full time job that demands a lot of my time – so juggling horse ownership in all this is a challenge.  One I’m willing to take on, of course. =D

Jaina isn’t perfect.  She has a little bit of a bucking problem, she’s a bit clubby in one of her feet, and drags her hind hooves a bit when she walks around at leisure.  She’s a little cinchy for no apparent reason and is missing a chip out of her ear.  She also rubs her mane something fierce, so she’s missing a huge patch in her mane.  Nonetheless, I think she’s beautiful and everything I’ve ever wanted.  Each challenge is something new to work on.  I might not be as young and flexible as I used to be, but she’s taking care of me alright.

I look forward to writing here, and I hope that I keep up with it and don’t slack off like all the other blogs I have out there that I can’t update.  Here’s to another new beginning!

P.S. I named this blog “A Boring Red Horse” not because I really think she is.  ;)   People jokingly call her that…so that’s where the origin is from.


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